Project Citations – Business

We have selected the following project citations, as representative examples, to illustrate the range of our business consulting services.

»Interim CFO

»Crisis turnaround

»Specialized reporting through advanced application of Microsoft Excel

Service Example: Interim CFO

For: Association client.

Challenge: Sudden/unexpected simultaneous departure of CFO and controller.

Project: Assume responsibility for year-end financials for multiple entities, multi-year business plans, budgets and external audits with no support available from departing officers. Oversee back office operations until permanent replacements can be hired.

Result: Lead accounting department to meet all required deadlines. Assisted in hiring and training replacement CFO and controller.

Outcome: Smooth transition of all accounting functions to permanent, seasoned accounting professionals.

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Service Example: Crisis Turnaround

For: Client in the high technology manufacturing industry.

Challenge: Investor-funded company faced imminent insolvency.

Project: Within 48 hours, develop production schedule, cash flow forecast and work-out plan. Renegotiate high rate factoring arrangement to economical asset-based lending plan. Hire/train new controller. Establish new metrics to re-focus management decisions on contribution margin and order flow.

Result: Quickly stabilized cash flow. Produced current financial statements and management reports that renewed investor confidence enough to attract additional capital. Re-vamped order processing procedures to maintain level cash flow. Averted insolvency.

Outcome: Client survived to achieve a satisfactory exit event for its owners/investors.

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Service Example: Specialized reporting through advanced application of Microsoft Excel.

For: Client in the real estate industry.

Challenge: Rapid growth, complex ownership and transaction structure causing delays in specialized reporting required by third parties to support expansion funding.

Project: Since reporting structure did not lend itself to traditional database and report-writing tools, design/develop custom “hot link” interface between accounting database and Microsoft Excel. Design custom formulae to access any activity or balance by company, project or account-range at a cell level — transforming Excel into a client-specific financial report writer. Create reports in Excel that can be updated, refreshed and re-used complete with drill down capability. Develop Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programs to streamline process.

Result: Empowered Excel users to access their accounting database with greater efficiency and flexibility. Reduced time and personnel constraints so that all necessary information could be delivered to both third parties and internal management on time and without undue stress.

Outcome: Client flourished in next market up-cycle. Third-parties complimented client on quality and timeliness of information compared to peers. Enhanced reporting played important role in reducing owner risks while increasing capital resources.

Project Citations; Technology






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